Sunday 26 August 2012

Fall of Mirpur: new novel (processing)

New novel that still being writing by M. Arsalan Khan (me) who have lots of questions relate Indo-Pak (India and Pakistan) war with  Kashmir in 1947.

Fall of Mirpur: A heart-rending story in 1936, somewhere in northern Mirpur, there was a four years old girl called "Sunheri Raet" were to being terminated by her own step mother by thrown her out to deeper forest in the mountain where wild animals could eat her up. Incredible, a young mother from nearby village has saved a girl's life, and then brought her as her own until 1947 disaster changed the fate of people of Jammu Kashmir. Tribalmen Invaders who believed to be heros has destroy many villages, Sunheri turned to teenager tried to flee with her sister and a sikh friend after saw her mother died lying with blood cover. Unfortunate, Sunheri was being mistook as a sikh lady, they abducted her and then took her to Waziristan. A local man called "Sabawoon" has rescued her from being nearly sold as brothel, promised to her that he will take her back to home. The long journey took both of them to grow familiarity each other. However the fate has made them ahead two separate paths as Sabawoon turned back to home while Sunheri hoped to see her sister and local people back at her village but her path were some else due the Indo-Pak War were going on, Jammu Kashmir has become a disputed state. She also searching the answers from her past where she coming from.
Will the war over? Will she able to find a biological family? What will happen to relationship between Sunheri and Sabawoon?

This novel is based on reality of Jammu Kashmir with Indo-Pak War 1947 where it all started by Invaders and end up to faced cruelty foreigner soldiers after partition of Jammu Kashmir.

(Sunheri Raet in traditional Mirpuri/Pahari)

Saturday 28 July 2012

Sunheri Raet's Appearance

She was a teenager lady, very fair skinned (Light Olive Skinned), with reddish face, she have freckles a little on cheeks and nose. She normally wore traditional henna on her chin and hands. She wear traditional causal Pahari-style shalwar kameez with any colours but her favorite colour is yellow.

That how she should look like:
She dressing fomal traditional Pahari dress for her best friend's wedding.

Here is a picture of two different type of Pahari Shalwar Kameez Style, one is causal, other is formal, colours can be vary.

If you planning to draw her in your style and confusing with her appearance, here is helpful picture:

What is about "Fall of Mirpur"

Fall of Mirpur is a story following life of a young lady called "Sunheri Raet" all though before and after 1947 in Jammu Kashmir, connecting with newly-born Pakistan. She has experienced good and bad events such as being aborted by her step mother, women's rights, religions, marriages, family, being kidnapped and war. The story took place on South-West Jammu Kashmir which was "Mirpur" but also outside of Jammu Kashmir which is Waziristan, Pakistan, and some areas in Punjab, Pakistan. This novel somewhat based on reality in the past of 1947 partition of India and Pakistan which is lead Jammu Kashmir's fate to be another partition due wars, greed and bloodshed.

Will Sunheri have happy ending or not?

Keep visit here for update.